All work
- Remove support for "Stash"SCANNER-2177Resolved issue: SCANNER-2177Andrew S
- ProductFilterUtil#getFilterForCurrentProduct leaks ServiceReferencesSCANNER-2175Resolved issue: SCANNER-2175Andrew S
- Support service properties for @ExportAsServiceSCANNER-2174Resolved issue: SCANNER-2174Billy McCarthy
- CLONE - xsi:schemaLocations are 404SCANNER-2173Resolved issue: SCANNER-2173
- ExportedSeviceManager erroneously assumes System#identityHashCode is uniqueSCANNER-2172Resolved issue: SCANNER-2172Olli Nevalainen
- Cannot find org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal due to wrong version of xml-apisSCANNER-2171Resolved issue: SCANNER-2171Richard Atkins
- Scanner permits annotation classes to be loaded twice, fails to load plugins and blames wrong plugin with "plugin has an extra copy of atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation classes"SCANNER-2170Resolved issue: SCANNER-2170
- Don't rely only on for development featuresSCANNER-2169
- Two components with same simple name, differing by package, lead to NoSuchBeanDefinitionExceptionSCANNER-2168Resolved issue: SCANNER-2168Andrew S
- Split scanner core from maven pluginSCANNER-2166Resolved issue: SCANNER-2166
- Bump parent pom version to fix releasesSCANNER-2165Resolved issue: SCANNER-2165Michael Drew
- Add support for the @Primary annotation from springSCANNER-2164Resolved issue: SCANNER-2164
- Provide a way to inject a component by nameSCANNER-2163Resolved issue: SCANNER-2163
- Output a nice ERROR message if spring scanner runtime can't find build time infoSCANNER-2160Resolved issue: SCANNER-2160
- fix "defined in null" error message during plugin startupSCANNER-2162Resolved issue: SCANNER-2162
- (if possible) spring scanner should check for imports of javax.annotation.* if PreDestroy and PostConstruct are used.SCANNER-2161Resolved issue: SCANNER-2161Renat Sabitov
- @ConfluenceImport is getting processed in jira applicationSCANNER-2159Resolved issue: SCANNER-2159Petro Semeniuk
- Update amps to version 6.2.10 to pick up tomcat 8.0.36SCANNER-2158Resolved issue: SCANNER-2158David Black
- Maven plugin doesn't support Java 8 bytecode properlySCANNER-2157Resolved issue: SCANNER-2157
- scanner-maven-plugin should fail build if there's no <scan-indexes> in spring resources filesSCANNER-2156Resolved issue: SCANNER-2156
- Allow defining custom OSGi service properties for @ExportAsService servicesSCANNER-2154Resolved issue: SCANNER-2154
- Automatically publish a service name property for ExportAsService componentsSCANNER-2153Resolved issue: SCANNER-2153
- Automatically select Java 8 for jEnv usersSCANNER-2152Resolved issue: SCANNER-2152Andrew S
- Scanner should be able to include transitive dependencies in its list of possible scanned jarsSCANNER-2151Resolved issue: SCANNER-2151Brad Baker
- Scanner tests fail in current version of JIRASCANNER-2150Resolved issue: SCANNER-2150Nick Clarke
- Couldn't detect Confluence 5.10 productSCANNER-2147Resolved issue: SCANNER-2147
- Log a warning if we see the wrong Component or Inject annotations, likely an errorSCANNER-2139Resolved issue: SCANNER-2139
- Spring Scanner fails to detect component if Java8 syntax is usedSCANNER-2138Resolved issue: SCANNER-2138
- Fail early if you accidentally @ComponentImport a @ComponentSCANNER-766Resolved issue: SCANNER-766Robbie Gates
- Make logging easily configurableSCANNER-79Resolved issue: SCANNER-79Andrew S
- xsi:schemaLocations are 404SCANNER-78Resolved issue: SCANNER-78
- javax.inject wiring is broken in Confluence; add testsSCANNER-77Resolved issue: SCANNER-77Nick Clarke
- Put spring-scanner in cloud platformSCANNER-76Resolved issue: SCANNER-76Nick Clarke
- Investigate whether we can make spring log bean creation failures at ERROR instead of INFOSCANNER-75Resolved issue: SCANNER-75
- Bump spring-scanner 2.0.1+ into JIRASCANNER-74Resolved issue: SCANNER-74Nick Clarke
- Bump spring-scanner 2.0.1+ into Confluence and update plan templates to remove dev mode and extra atlassian.confluence.version propertySCANNER-73Resolved issue: SCANNER-73Nick Clarke
- spring-scanner should not scan for @ControllerSCANNER-72Resolved issue: SCANNER-72
- Tests fail if run with ''SCANNER-71Resolved issue: SCANNER-71Nick Clarke
- Update product version property names to better suit product buildsSCANNER-70Resolved issue: SCANNER-70Nick Clarke
- Move/copy spring.schemas to atlassian-spring-scanner-annotationSCANNER-69Resolved issue: SCANNER-69Nick Clarke
- Vendor field not set in new scanner-runtime and scanner-annotation pluginsSCANNER-68Resolved issue: SCANNER-68Nick Clarke
- Fail early for accidentally colliding bean namesSCANNER-67Resolved issue: SCANNER-67
- Build milestone and QA in JIRA and Confluence for 2.x releaseSCANNER-66Resolved issue: SCANNER-66Nick Clarke
- Confirm / review documented recommendations re. maven phase for scanner-maven-plugin with scalaSCANNER-65Resolved issue: SCANNER-65
- Refactor packaging tests and runtime tests to share expectationsSCANNER-64Resolved issue: SCANNER-64Nick Clarke
- Upgrade JIRA master to Scanner 2.0SCANNER-63Resolved issue: SCANNER-63Nick Clarke
- Upgrade Confluence master to Scanner 2.0SCANNER-62Resolved issue: SCANNER-62Nick Clarke
- Add Spring Scanner build into JIRA CloudSCANNER-61Resolved issue: SCANNER-61Nick Clarke
- Add Spring Scanner build into ConfluenceSCANNER-60Resolved issue: SCANNER-60Nick Clarke
- Remove unimplemented 'auto-import' attribute from xsdSCANNER-59Resolved issue: SCANNER-59Nick Clarke
50 of 106
Remove support for "Stash"
Created October 1, 2020 at 4:10 AM
Updated September 25, 2024 at 2:47 AM
Resolved October 7, 2020 at 5:23 AM
Owen Sanico
changed the statusSeptember 25, 2024 at 2:47 AMClosed
Sen Geronimo
made 2 changesApril 26, 2021 at 12:35 AM
Armata Workflow v2
Server Platform Workflow v3
Andrew S
made 3 changesOctober 7, 2020 at 5:23 AM
Selected for Development
Under Review
Selected for Development
Andrew S
updated the remoteissuelinkOctober 7, 2020 at 5:11 AMNone
This issue links to "Atlassian Spring Scanner › Atlassian Spring Scanner - master › issue-SCANNER-2177-remove-stash (ecosystem-bamboo)"
Andrew S
changed the statusOctober 1, 2020 at 5:26 AMIn Progress
Under Review
Andrew S
updated the remoteissuelinkOctober 1, 2020 at 4:49 AMNone
This issue links to "Atlassian Spring Scanner › master › issue-SCANNER-2177-remove-stash (ecosystem-bamboo)"
Andrew S
made 2 changesOctober 1, 2020 at 4:10 AM
In Progress
Andrew S
created the Work itemOctober 1, 2020 at 4:10 AM
Upgrading the Spring Scanner to use the latest AMPS release (8.x) requires us to remove all mentions of Stash from Spring Scanner, because AMPS 8.x no longer supports
as a product ID, only Bitbucket.Of course, support for Bitbucket (the rebranded version of Stash) will be left intact.
Because this will be a breaking change from the users' point of view, it should be done in a new major version.